Celebrating more than 60 years of service to our members and industry, the Association of Desk and Derrick Clubs (ADDC) is a dynamic organization and an industry leader in promoting education of the petroleum, energy, and allied industries.

ADDC is a major contributor of energy education through informative programs, on-site field trips, workshops, seminars, and teaching publications.

Serving nearly 1,300 individuals employed in or affiliated with the petroleum, energy, and allied industries, ADDC is comprised of 48 clubs within 4 regions throughout the United States and Canada.

Membership in a club is granted to individuals actively employed in, affiliated with, or retired from the petroleum, energy, or allied industries as well as individuals interested in increasing their knowledge about these industries; to former Desk and Derrick members; and to individuals enrolled in an accredited course of study with a declared major in the petroleum, energy, or allied industries.


Our mission is to enhance and foster a positive image to the global community by promoting the contribution of the petroleum, energy, and allied industries through education by using all resources available.



  • I walk my talk; I do what I say I will do
  • I keep and follow through on my commitments
  • I am honest and respectful
  • I own my mistakes as well as my successes


  • I am a positive servant mentor
  • I am approachable by membership
  • I delegate appropriately
  • I listen to what others say


  • I attack problems, not people
  • I speak with respect to others
  • I dress appropriately
  • I am prepared and pay attention to detail


  • I cooperate and collaborate
  • I demonstrate open-mindedness
  • I communicate proactively and frequently
  • I present a united front

In the fast-moving energy industry, knowledge and collaboration are critical to your success. ADDC offers local, regional and international education and connections, including:

  • Broad-based energy industry information for new and veteran employees.
  • Cross functional training to build your base of knowledge and improve your effectiveness in working with other functions.
  • Energy industry peer connections that can provide insights and tips that make you more effective and efficient.

As demanding as the energy industry can be, few companies continually train their employees with cutting edge information. Even fewer companies can afford to offer broad-based cross functional training. Your membership in ADDC helps your company by making you:

  • More effective because you understand what other functions need.
  • More efficient because you understand how everything in the energy production process comes together.
  • More valuable because you can access a broader network of resources and information.

Without reliable information, it can be difficult for your community to understand the benefits of local energy production. ADDC can serve as a credible source of information to help your community understand:

  • The benefits in terms of jobs and economic impact.
  • The long-standing importance of safety in energy production.
  • The security that domestic energy production provides in a challenging world.